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3 Flash Masters Answer 5 Flash Questions
5 questions about Flash both from a technical as well as a non-technical/business point of view.
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New elements in HTML 5
Learn about the new structural, inline, embedding and interactive elements in HTML 5.
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jQuery in 15 minutes
Simon Willison has posted a short presentation, jQuery in 15 minutes.
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Nifty Navigation Using CSS
Rachel Andrew steps through horizontal and vertical menus, drop-down, fly-out, and tabbed navigation systems.
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Interactive Prototypes with PowerPoint
Have you ever wished your early design mockups could come to life?
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Eric Schmidt Defines Web 3.0
Google CEO Eric Schmidt was recently at the Seoul Digital Forum and he was asked to define Web 3.0 by an audience member.
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80 Beautiful Typefaces For Professional Design
So which typefaces are "bulletproof"? What fonts can be used effectively in almost every Corporate Design?
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Jeffrey Zeldman: King of Web Standards
A new article in Business Week might help designers who aren't named Jeffrey Zeldman sell web standards to their bosses or clients.